Sunday, December 12, 2010


Botanical Name

Ficus glomerata Roxb.




Charaka Samhita - Mutrasamgrahaniya, Kashaayaskandha
Sushruta Samhita - Nyagrodhaadi
Bhaava Prakaasha - Panchavalkala, Ksheerivruksha


Udumbara, Jantuphala, Yagyaanga, Hemadugdhaka, Sadaaphala, Pushpashunya, Apushpaphala, Krumivruksha.

Vernacular Names

Hindi : Gular;
Gujarati: Umbaro, Umarado;
Telugu : Ati;
Bengali : Yagnadumbur;
Marathi : Umbar;
English : Cluster fig, Country fig.


This tree is found throughout in India.

Botanical Description

Habit : Tall evergreen, spreading trees, up to 20 meters height, with few, short, aerial roots; banches smooth.
Bark : Grayish or blackish brown.
Leaf : 5-15 X 2.5-6.5, ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse or acute, Petiole upto 3cm, long, glabrous; dark green.
Fruit : Achenes reddish brown, obovoid.

Chemical constituents

Bark contains around 14% of tannin, tetracyclic triterpene, leucoanthocyanins, lupeol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol etc.

Ayurvedic Properties (Rasa Panchaka)

Rasa         : Kashaaya
Guna         : Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya     : Sheeta
Vipaaka     : Katu
Doshakarma     : Kapha-Pitta shaamaka


Shothahara, Garbhaashayashothahara, Vedanaasthaapana, Mutrasamgrahaniya, Varnya, Raktapittashaamaka, Vranaropaka, Shukrastambhana, Stambhaka, Daahaprashamana.

Rogaghnata/ Indiactions

Prameha, Shotha, Pradara, Vedanaa, Vranavikruti, Raktaatisaara, Daaharoga, Pravaahikaa, Raktapitta, Grahani, Dantobheda, Shukrdourbalya.

Therapeutic Uses

The drug Udumbara is mutrasangrhaniya, stambhana and vranaropana; it is used in prameha, raktapitta and vrana. Bark is astringent and
decoction of bark is used as a wash for wounds; it is also given in prameha roga, raktaatisaara, pravaahikaa and grahani. The bark decoction is also given as uttar basti in pradara, swetapradara. The bark and fruit are taken in raktapitta.
Externally decoction, latex and paste of young shoots are used in ailments of ulceration, inflammation, pain and discoloration. Its bark is potent anti-oxidant, anthelmintic and also having anti inflammatory activities.

Parts Used

Twak (Bark), Ksheera (Latex), Moola (Roots), Praroha (Arial roots), Phala (Fruit).


Churna/ Powder     : 3 to 6 g
Kwatha/ Decoction     : 50 to 100 ml
Ksheera/ Latex     : 5 to 10 drops


Udumbara saara, Udumbaraadi leha, Udumbaraadi taila, Udumbara chandana yoga, Panchavalkala kwatha etc.

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