Sunday, August 8, 2010


Botanical Source : Gymnema sylvestre

Family : Asclepiadaceae

Common Names :

Hindi- Gurmar;

Marathi- Kavali, Vakundai;

Bengali – Merasingi

Tamil- Cheru.

Sanskrit Synonyms : Vishaani, Mashunaashini, Ajashringi, Vartika, Chakshushya, Putrashreni, Meshavalli, Sarpadanshtra.

Botanical Description:

G. sylvestre is a large, woody and mush branched climber distributed in the dry forests throughout India up to an altitude of 600m. It is mostly found in Deccan peninsula and occasionally cultivated as medicinal plant.

Leaves are simple, opposite, elliptic or ovate and more or less pubescent on both sides.

Flowers are small yellow, umbellate cymes; actinomorphic.

Fruits- paired, terete, rigid;

Seeds- numersous, narrowly ovoid- oblong.

Chemical Constituents :

Leaves contains no. of pentacyclic triterpenic acid glycosides, the major components being gymnemic acid which yield glucoronic acid on hydrolysis. Leaves also contain tartaric acid, resin, carbohydrates and albumin.

Quercitol, calcium oxalate and pigments.

Also anthraquinones.

Ayurvedic Properties :

Rasa : Kashaya, Tikta

Guna : Laghu, Ruksha

Veerya : Ushna

Vipaaka : Katu

Doshakarma : Kaphavaatashaamaka

Actions : Appetiser, hepatic stimulant.

Used as astringent, tonic, stomachic and refrigerant.

External Applications : Leaves mixed with castor oil useful in glandular swelling, hepatitis and splenic disorders (enlargement); roots are used for application in snake bite.

Internal Applications :

Gymnema leaves and gymnemic acid is used as an antidiabetic agent. Its vernacular name 'Gulmar' meaning 'Sugar destroying' accounts for its property of obolishing the taste of sugar. Gymnema anaesthetises the sweet taste buds- the effect last for several hours.

It is useful in skin disorders related to diabetes and other similar disorders.

Root has emetic properties used in cardiac failure.

Seeds or roots in the form of smoking are used to relieve common cold and breathlessness. It is very useful in diabetes and calculi.

A dose of 1-2 gm leaf powder with honey or cow's milk is given twice a day, it is useful in amnorrhoea, typhoid fever and general debility.

Part(s) Used : roots, leaves, seeds.

Dose : Leaf powder 3-6 gm; decoction 50-100ml.



Botanical Source
Amorphaphallus companulatus Family, Araceae.

Ayuvedic Classification

Common Names

Hindi- Jamikanda;

Sanskrit Synonyms

Ola, Kandoola, Arshoghna, Kandanaayaka

Botanical Description


Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa     Katu, Kashaya

Guna     Laghu, Teekshna, Ruksha

Veerya     Ushna

Vipaaka     Katu

Doshakarma     Kaphavaatashaamaka


Arshoghna, Shothahara, Vedanasthapana, Ruchikara, Deepana, Paachana, Yakruta-uttejaka, Anulomana, Shoolaprashamana, Krimighna, Vrushya, Aartavajanana.



Parts Used



Powder 3-6 gm.




Patent/Brand Names



Contraindicated for the patients of Rakta-pitta.

Adverse effects

Mouth ulcers, Burning sensation, Kandu.


Nimdu, Imali etc. sour substances.



Botanical Source

Blepharis endulis Family, Acanthaceae.

Ayuvedic Classification

Sanskrit Synonyms

Botanical Description

Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa : Madhura, Tikta

Guna : Guru, Snigdha, Pichhchila

Veerya : Ushna

Vipaaka : Madhura

Doshakarma Vaatashaamaka.


Shukrajanana, Shukrasthambhana, Kampttajaka, Mootrala, Mootrakruchchha.


Klaibya, Shukrakshaya.

Parts Used




Patent/Brand Names




Botanical Source Seeds of the plant Sesamum indicum, Family- Pedaliaceae.

Ayuvedic Classification


Sanskrit Synonyms


Botanical Description



On the basis of seed color it is three types:

Shweta (White)     enriched with more oil.

Rakta (Red)     Known as 'Ram-til'.

Krushna (Black)     Best in properties so medicinally best.

Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa     Madhura (Anurasa: Kashaya-Tikta)

Guna     Snigdha

Veerya     Ushna

Vipaaka     Madhura

Doshakarma     Kaphapittavardhaka


Yogavaahi, Snehana, Vedanasthapana, Sandhaneeya, Vruanashodhana, Vrunaropana, Keshya, Medhya, Deepana, Graahi, Shoolaprashamana, Vajeekarana, Aartavajanan, Stanyajanana, Balya, Vrushya.



Parts Used

Seeds, Oil.


Seed powder 3-6 gm; Oil 10-20 ml.


Tilaadi Gutika, Tilaadi Lepa, Tilaashtaka


Patent/Brand Names




Botanical Source

Root bark of the plant Bauhinia variegate
Linn. Belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae.

Synonym : Phanera variegata (L.) Benth

Kula: Shimbikula; Upakula: Putikaranja


Charaka Samhita- Vamanopaga varga, Shaka varga; Susruta Samhita- Urdhvabhagahara,Pushpa varga, Kashayamadhura shaka varga.

Sanskrit Synonyms

Kanchanara, Gandari, Chamarika,     Jugapatraka, Karbudara, Swalpakesari

Common Names

Assam    .    :    Kanchan

Beng.        :    Rakta kanchana, Kanchan

Eng.        :     Mountain Ebony, Buddhist bauhinia,    purple orchid tree, poor man's orchid, camle's foot tree

Guj.        :     Champakati, Champo kanchanar,Kochali

Hindi        :    Kanchanara, Kanchnal, Koil, Koliyar, kural, kaniar, guiar, Gurial, kandan, goriaava, barial

Kan.        :    Keyu mandar, Kanchavala, karalabhogi, bilimandar, kempu mandar, ayata, kanjivala

Mal.        :    Suvarna Mandaram, Kotapuli, Unna,

Mar.        :    Koral, Kanchan,Chamol, Kanaraj,

Ori.        :    Kanjara, Kanchana

Punj.        :    Kanchanal, Chitti kanchanal, Kulad, kosundara

Tam.        :    Mandarai, Sigappu mandarai, Vellaippuvatti, tirvatti,

Tel.        :    Devakanchan, Mandar, Mandari, adavimandara, kanjanamu

Nepali        :    Korialo, Jaki

Burm.        :     Bwaycheng, Bwechin

Oriya        :     Barara, Kosonaru, Kanjoni, Rongakonjono

Santhal    :     Zinjar, Jingya, Burujudare, Kouar

Urdu        :    Kachnal

Konkani    :     Kudo, Tembri, Kanchan, Kotra, Kachnal

Farasi        :    Kachnar

French        :     Abre de Saint Thomas

Botanical Description

A small to medium tree with hairy branches; height: 20-40 ft.; width: 10-20 ft.

Leaves: 4.5 – 15cm long, simple, alternate, bifid, broadly ovate, cordate at the base, as broad as or broader than long, cleft one-fourth to one-third way down, 9–15 nerved, lobes obtuse base cordate. Petiole : 2.5-3.8cm long.

Flowers,: Bisexual, large, fragrant, variegated, white or red in short axillary or terminal few flowered, grey-pubiscent racemes or corymbs from leafless axils or terminating lateral branches; bracts and bracteoles detoid.

Calyx: 2 – 2.7cm long, pubescent, spathaceous, 5-toothed at apex.

Petals: 4-5cm long, obovate-oblong, clawed, the uppermost darker with purple veines.

Stamens: 5 fertile; staminodes absent.

Ovary : pubescent

Pods: Flat, hard, nearly smooth, 15-30 ˣ 1.8-2.5 cm, glabrous, variegated with reddish brown streaks.

Seed: 12-16, flat, orbicular and brown.

Bark: Gray with vertical cracks.

Wood : Grayish brown with irregular darker patches, moderately hard.

Habitat:.Found wild in the sub-Himalayan tract and outer Himalaya upto 1300 m.; in Punjab, dry deciduous forests, especially on rocky hiils throughout India. Common in Eastern, and South India, Assam, Sikkim, Chota Nagapur, Western Peninsula, Kumaon. Also distributed in Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Myanmar and China. Also cultivated largely as a garden and roadside ornamental.

Flowering and Fruiting season:

Flowering season: March – May (spring)

Fruiting season: April – June (Stage by beginning of summer).

Ayurvedic Properties


Rasa : Kasaya

Guna : Laghu, Ruksha

Veerya : Sheeta

Vipaka : Katu

Prabhava: Gandamalanashana

For Flower: -        

Rasa : Madhur, Kasaya

Guna : Laghu, Ruksha

Veerya : Sheeta

Vipaka : Madhur


Gandmalanashana, Vrana shodhana-Vrana ropana,


  • Chemical constituent
  • STEM BARK :-

    Major: Lupeol

    Minor:    5,7-dihydroxy flavanone; 4'-O-α- L- rhamnopyranosyl; Beta-D-glucopyranoside; 5,7- dihydroxy and 5,7-dimethoxy flavanone; hentriacontane; octacosanol; sitosterol; stigmasterol; neringenin; 5,7-dimethylether; 4'-rhamnoglucoside; 5,7,3',4'-tetra hydroxy-3-methoxy-7-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1à3) -O-beta-galactopyranoside; 2,7-dimethoxy-3-methyl-9,10-dihydrophenanthrene; 1,4-dione named as bauhinione. Five flavonoids isolated from the different parts of Bauhinia variegata was identified as quercetin, rutin, apigenin and apigenin 7-O-glucoside.


  • ROOT:-

        Flavonone; dihydrodibenzoxepin; flavonol glycoside ; 5, 7, 3', 4' – tetrahydroxy-3-methoxy-7-O—alpha- L- rhamnopyranosyl (1à3)- O-betagalactopyranoside; (2S)-5,7-dimethoxy-3',4',-methylenedioxyflavanone; 5,6,-dihydro-1,7,dihydroxy-3,4,-dimethoxy-2-methyldibenz [b,f] oxepin together with three known flavanoids.



        Quercitroside; isoquercitroside; rutoside; taxifoline rhamnoside; kaempferol; 3-glucoside; myricetol glycoside; apigenin; 7-O-glucoside; quercetrin; ascorbic acid; aspartic acid; glutamic acid; octadecanoic acid; keto acids; amino acid; tannins; cyaniding-3-glucoside; malvidin-3-glucoside; malvidin-3-diglucoside; peonidin-3-glucoside; peonidin-3-diglucoside; 3-galactoside; 3-rhamnoglucoside of kaempferol.


  • SEED:-

            Carbohydrayes; proteins; amino acids; ascorbic acid; flavonoids; alkaloids leucoanthocyanines; aspartic acid; glutamic acid;arginine; glycine; alanine; histidine; isoleucine; lysine; methionine; phenylalanine; proline; serine; threonine; tyrosine; valine; 5-hydroxy 7, 3', 4', 5',-tetra-methoxyflavone; 5-O-beta-D-xylopyranosyl – (1à2)- alpha- L- rhamnopyranoside.


    • LEAVES: - reducing sugars, vitamin C (146 mg %)



  • Rogaghnata :-

        Galaganda, Gandamala, Granthishotha, Vrana, Lasika, Granthi-Arbuda, Kustha, Charmavikara, Dadru, Mukhapaka, Atisara, Pravahika, Arsha, Gudabhramsha, Parikartika, Krimi, Vibandha, Rakta-pitta, Prameha, Rakta pradara, Medoroga.

    • Bahya (External):- Vranashodhana, Vranaropana, Kushthaghna,Shothahara
    • Abhyantar(Internal):- Stambhaka, Grahi, Arshoghna, Kushthaghna, Shothahara, Stambhana, Krimighna, Vamaka, Rakta stambhana, Lasikagranthishothahara, Kasahara, Mutrasangrahaniya, Artavasravahrasaka, Lekhana-Medapanayana


    Uses: -

    • The bark is used for dying and tanning.
    • From the inner portion of bark a fibre is prepared.
    • The flower buds are eaten as a potherb or pickled.
    • The foliage is given to cattle as fodder.
    • The leaves are used for preparation of bidis.
    • The wood is used for the agricultural implements.
    • Wood is moderately good fuel wood.


    • The decoction of bark added with sunthi powder is given in gandamala.
    • Decoction of bark added with three myrobalans or triphala(Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica and Embelica officinalis) and pippali churna(fruits powder of Piper longum Linn.) is recommended in gandamala as well as galaganda(goiter).
    • Bark is pounded in rice water (tandulodaka) and given to patient of gandamala.
    • The bark is astringent, tonic and anthelmintic. It is also used for ulcers and leprosy. A decoction of the bark is taken for dysentery. It is used to give tone and vitality to body. It is used against tuberculosis and skin ailments.
    • Dried buds are used in haemorrhoids.
    • The dried buds are used for the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery, worms, piles and tumours.
    • A decoction of the buds is given in cough, piles, haematuria and menorrhagia.
    • Gum is useful in pravahika and arsha.
    • The infusion of the leaves is used as a laxative and for cure of diarrhoea, dysentery and piles.
    • Decoction of flower-buds is given to treat cough, piles and menorrhagia.
    • An extract of its buds, flowers and barks is considered as a strong antibacterial.

    External uses : It helps in wound cleaning and healing properties,. It cures skin disorders and inflammations.

        The bark ground in a paste is useful in lymphadenitis. Decoction made from its bark, pods of babool (Acacia) tree and flowers of pomegranate is used for gargles in oral disorders. Decoction is used for fomentation in rectal prolapsed.

    Leaves ground in paste are applied over the wound. Paste of the seeds is applied in migraine.

        Paste of bark is applied on Gandamala.

Internal uses:

  • Digestive system :
    • It has astringent and anthelmintic properties but it causes vomiting in excess dose. It enhances emetic action when used in conjuction with emetic drugs.
    • Being sweet, flowers are mild laxative. Gulakand prepared from the flowers is used in constipation.
    • Having astringent Property it is useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, rectal prolapse, haemorrhoids, and helminthiasis.
  • Circulatory system :
    • Paste of stem bark, roots and flowers is used in haemorrhagic disorders.
    • It acts as haemostatic and reduces the inflammation of the lymph nodes(lymphadenitis).
  • Respiratory system :

    • Used in cough.
  • Urinary system :
    • Controls polyurea in diabetes.
  • Reproductive system :
    • In menorrhagia, it acts as a haemostatic by astringent property.
  • Skin :
    • Used in skin diseases.
    • Mixture of Kanchanara bark, rice water, and ginger is effective in osteoporosis(asthikshata).


  • Satmikaran :-

            Because of ruksha property, it is fat reducing. Used in lipid disorders.

  • Dosha karma :-

    Kaphashamaka by ruksha, laghu and tikta properties. Pittashamaka by sheeta veerya.

  • Dhatu karma:-

    Rakta,meda(lymphadenitis), menorrhagia, haemorrhagic disorders

  • Mala karma :-

    Purisha(stops diarrhea and prolapsed.)


  • Part used :-

        Stem Bark, Flowers, Flower buds, Gum, Fruit, Root, Leaf

  • Dose
    • Bark Churna         :     3-6 gm
    • Bark Kwatha         :     40-80 ml
    • Flower Swarasa     :     10-20 ml
    • For Decoction        :    20-30 gm


    • Formulations:-
      • Asava and arista :
        Usirasava, chandanasava, Vidangarista, Kanchanararishta
      • Bhasma : Kanchara drava
      • Guggulu : Kanchanara Guggulu, triphaladi guggulu, Vyoshadi guggulu
      • Guti : Kanchana gutika
      • Kvatha : Kanchanaradi kvath
      • Rasayoga : Gandamala kandan rasa
      • Sneha: Ajamodadhya tail, chandanadya taila,Amrita ghrita, Mahamayura ghrita
      • Kanchanara Ghana
      • Gulakanda Kanchanara.
    • Trade and commerce :-

      Retail market price : Stem bark – Rs. 150 per kg

    • Storage and Preservation:- Collected bark completely dried and stored in airtight jars, keep in dry place.
    • Self life Period:- Bark - 3 to 6 month.
    • Standardization :-

      Kanchanara twaka are available in small cut flat pieces, edges blunted and the centre portion grooved, the surface of the bark brownish ash coloured and rough in touch with longitudinal striations.

    • Adultration:- The commercial samples are often adulterated with the stem having brown colour.
    • Substitutes :-
  1. Bauhinia purpurea
  2. Bauhinia tomentosa
  3. Bauhinia racemosa
  • Cultivation and Propagation:-

    The ornamental plant is propagated with seeds, strump planting and branch cuttings. Seeds are sown in March-April. The seedlings are then transplanted in July-August. Their germination require onset of monsoon. The seeds are soen in pockets of good soil and thereafter protected from damage. Watering is required during the dry spells. Since the plants grow rapidly, light pruning and thinning during the growth period is necessary.

        In vitro regeration of B. variegata was reported in nodal explants from mature trees. Optimal shooting was obtained on MS media suppmented with 13.3 microM BA within 15-20 days. Single shoots with 3-4 nodes initiated root ing when transferred to MS with 4.9 microM IBA within 45 days.


  • Light
    : Full sun-light shade
  • Moisture: Keep moist during summer months, water less frequently in winter. Needs very good drainage.


Research works:

  1. The alcoholic extract of B.variegata (bark) showed CNS activity. Besides producing hypothermia in mice, it is also responded to amphetamine test.(Bhakuni et al., 1969).
  2. The alcoholic extract of B.racemosa (bark) was found to have anti-cancer activity against human epidermal carcinoma of the nasopharynx in tissue culture. (Dhar et al., 1968).
  3. The clinical studies have revealed that preparations of stem bark of Kanchanara enhance the effect of anti-tuberculous drugs used in cases of tubercular cervical lymphadenitis.(Dixit, 1967)
  4. Its used in the treatment of experimental goitre in rats has been reported.( Veena et al., 1975).

Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of ethanolic extract of the stem bark of Bauhinia variegata Linn60


Botanical Source
Boswellia serrata Family, Burseraceae.

Ayuvedic Classification

Pureeshvirajneeya, Kshayaskanda, Sirovirechana (Charaka);

Rodhraadi, Elaadi, Kashayaskanda (Sushruta).

Common Names

Eng.- Indian olibanum tree; Hindi- Salai.

Sanskrit Synonyms

Susrava, Gajabhkshya.

Botanical Description


Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa Kashaya, Tikta, Madhura.

Guna Laghu, Ruksha.

Veerya Ushna

Vipaaka Katu

Doshakarma Kaphapittashaamaka.


Shothahara, Vedanaasthaapana, Durgandhanaashana, Jantughna, Vrunashodhana, Vrunaropana, Chakshshya, Medhya.

Oleo- gum resin Hrudya, Raktasthambhana, Jwaraghna.


Parts Used

Bark, Oleogum resin (Kunduru)


Decoction 50-100 ml; Oleo-gum resin 1-3gm.



Patent/Brand Names


Substitutes & Adulterants

Imported oleo-gum resin comes in India is found to be of Boswellia floribunda.
