Sunday, June 6, 2010



Botanical Source : Boerhavia diffusa Linn.Synonyms: B. repens Linn., B. procumbens Roxb.Family : Nyctaginaceae. Classification: Gana: Vayahsthapana, Kaasahara, Swedopaga, Anuvaasanopaga (C.), Vidaarigandhaadi (Su.). Sanskrit Synonyms: Rakta-punarnavaa, Punarnavaa, Katthilla, Shophaghni, Shothaghni.

Common Names

Hindi : Gadaha-pur a na /Gadaahbindo. Bengali : Gadaa-punya . Marathi : Ghetuli . Gujarati : Saatodi/ Basedo. Tamil : Sukuetti Unani : Itsit / Bishkhaparaa . Siddha : Mookkirattai . English : Horse-purslane/ Hogweed/ Spreading Hogweed .

Botanical Description

B . diffusa Linn. isa variable, diffusely branched, prostate herb abundantly occurring as a weed throughout India upto an altitude of 2000 m in Himalayas. It is also cultivated upto some extent in Bengal. The herb consist of creeping stem often purple coloured and swollen atthe nodes. Root stock is stout, fusiform and woody. Leaves are long-petioled, ovate or oblong-cordate usually whitish and smooth beneath and rough green on upper surface. Flowers are red, pink or white umbels while fruits are ovate and five ribbed. The odour is not distinct but the taste is bitter .

Chemical Constituents

B . diffusa Linn.contains a phenolic glycoside punarnavoside up to 0.03-0.05%. It also shows the presence of rotenoids viz., boeravinones A,B,C,D and E. Lignan derivatives such as iridodendrin and syringaresinol mono- â -glucosides have been reported. The root contains a purine nucleoside-hypoxanthine-9-arabinofuranoside and boeravine, urosolic acid and â -sitosterol. The drug contains quinolizidine alkaloids.

Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa : Madhura, Tikta Kashaya. Guna : Laghu, Ruksha. Veerya : Ushna. Vipaaka : Madhura. K arma : Tridhoshahara,Swedopaga, Vyahasthaapana, Virechana, Deepana, Mootravirechana,Kaphaghna, Vaamaka, Shothahara


Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, spasmolytic, antibacterial (used for inflammatory renal diseases, nephrotic syndrome, in cases of ascites resulting from early cirrhosis of liver and chronic peritonitis, dropsy associated with chronic Bright' s diseases, for serum uric acid levels). Root- anticonvulsant, analgesic, expectorant, CNS depressant, laxative, diuretic, abortifacient.

Therapeutics Uses/ Indications

Shotha, Udara, Kaamala, Paandu, Mutraalpta, Hrudroga, Shwasha, Urahakshat, Visha As diuretic, hepatoprotective. Powdered root gave encouraging results in spermatorrhoea and leucorrhoea.The chloroform and methanolic extracts of the roots and aerial parts of B. diffusa also exhibited antihepatotoxic activity against carbon tetrachlorideinduced intoxication in rats.Punarnavaa is official in IP as a diuretic. The diuretic action of the drug is attributed to the presence of xanthone, beta-ecdysone. Flavonoid, arbinofuranoside, present in the drug, was found to lower serumuric acid in experimental animals, as also in humans.Punarnavaa has been reported to increase serum protein level and reduce urinary protein extraction in clinical trials in patients suffering with nephrotic syndrome. The activity is attributed to the presence of rotenoids in various parts of the plant.An antifibrinolytic agent, punarnavoside, has been found to stop IUCD-induced bleeding in monkeys.

Part(s) Used

Root, Seeds; Whole plant.


Whole plant: 20-30 g for decoction (API Vol. I); root: 1-3 g powder; 10-20ml fresh juice (API Vol. III.)

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