Sunday, June 6, 2010



Botanical Source : Eclipta alba (Linn.) Hassk.

Synonym E. prostrata Roxb.

Family Compositae; Asteraceae.

Sanskrit Synonyms :

Bhringaraaja, Bhringa, Bhringaja, Bhrngaaraka, Bhrngaara, Maarkava, Kesharaaja, Keshranjana

Common Names:

Hindi : Bhangara / Bhangaraiya

Marathi : Maka

Gujarati : Bhangaro

Siddha/Tamil : Karisalaankanni.

Unani : Bhangraa .

English : Trailing Eclipta Plant.

Botanical Description

E. alba is an erect or prostate annual herb distributed throughout India in wet or moist waste lands, ascending up to 2000 m altitude. Cylindrical stems are 2-5mm in diameter is dark green in colour and shows longitudinal ridges. The leaves are sessile and opposite usually oblong lanceolate with appressed hairs on both surfaces. Small flowerheads contains white, compressed ray florets and yellowish disc florets.

Chemical Constituents :

Major chemical constituents of E. albaincludes the coumestan derivatives such as wedelolactone about 1.6% and demethylwedelolactone. Other minor constituents includes a thiophene derivative ecliptal and various dithiemyacetylene esters (I,II,II) reported from roots, saponin compounds likeeclalbosponins I-IV and other common sterols and triterpinoids. The flavonoid glycoside e.g. lutein-7-O-glucoside and long chain alcohols such as hentriacontanol, 14-hepatacosanol have been reported along with certain alkaloids and polypeptides.

Ayurvedic Properties:

Rasa : Katu, Tikta

Guna : Ruksha, Laghu

Veerya : Ushna

Vipaaka : Katu

Karma : Kaphavaatashaamaka, Shothahara, Vedanasthapana, Vrunashodhana, Vrunaropana, Chakshushya, Keshavardhana, Raktaprasaadana, raktavardhaka, Mootrala, Rasayana, Swedajanana


Deobstruent, antihepatotoxic, anticatarrhal, febrifuge. Used in hepatitis, spleen enlargements, chronic skin diseases.

Ø Leaf, promotes hair growth. Its extract in oil is applied to scalp before bed time in insomnia. The herb is also used as an ingredient in shampoos.

Therapeutics Uses/ Indications :

Vruna, Shirah-shoola, Bhruma, Agnimandha, Ajeerna, Pleehavruddhi, Yakrutavruddi, Kaamala, Arsha, Paandu, Kaasa-shwasa, Mootradaaha, Kushtha, Sheetapitta, Jwara .

Ø The herb should be dried at room temperature under shade. Its active principles are lost due to aerial oxidation during sun drying or drying under reduced pressure below V 40°C.The herb contains wedelolactone and emethylwedelolactone, which showed a dose dependent effect against CCl4, d-galactosamine- or phalloidin-induced cytotoxicity in primary cultured rat hepatocytes, and exhibited potent antihepatotoxic property. The whole plant shows effect on liver cell regeneration .

Ø Immunoactive property has been observed against surface antigen of hepatitis B-virus.

Ø The plant is also reported to be effective in the treatment of peptic ulcer, inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the gallbladder and skin infections.

Ø Aqueous extract of leaves exhibits myocardial depressant and hypotensive activity (unrelated to cholinergic and histaminergic effects).

Ø The roots are very rich in thiophene acetylenes. Thiophene derivatives show activity against nematodes.

Part(s) Used: whole plant Dosage Whole plant- 3-6 ml fresh-juice; 13-36 g for decoction.

Formulation :

Bhrungaraaja Taila, Shadabindu Taila, Bhrungaraajadi Churna.

1 comment:

  1. My mother used Bhringaraj to successfully treat her asthma. Wonder herb, I use the oil on my hair
