Monday, October 25, 2010



Botanical Source : Whole plant of Cichorium intubus  and C. endive.
Family : Asteraceae
Common Names :
     English Name : Endive/ Chicory
     Hindi : Kasni
     Sanskrit Name : Kasni
     Arabic Name : Hinduba

Botanical Description :
      Habitat : In India plant is found in the northwestern regions like Kashmir and Punjab and in area of south India. In western countries is now a days cultivated with the name endive. It is cultivated in completely black outed area to make leaf soft and pale in appearance. This plant has it origin in Europe and now has spread all over world.
     Morphology : It is a bushy perennial plant that attains a height of 1 to 3 feet. The stem has edges having hard branches. Leaves are sphere shaped having a bitter taste. Flowers are of blue of lavender color having a diameter of 1 to 1 ½ inch, which is bit thicker at the center. Fruit is angular, having light color. Root is like a tail of a cow and is fleshy having brownish color from outside and white color from inside. It has a length of 2 ½ feet and has a bitter taste. The other related species that is cultivates is Cichorium endivia. It is generally found in cultivated lands and gardens.

Chemical Constituents : Their seed contains oil. Roots has sticky substance which is about 7.5 %, glucose 1.1 %, bitter substance 4 %, fat 0.6 %, cellulose, insulin and resins etc. ash contains more of potassium. It also contains colorless potassium glycosides, cichorin and lactucina and intybin. There is very peculiar smell when the root is roasted and is very often used as coffee.

Properties :
   Guna (properties) - Laghu (light) and Ruksh (dry)  
   Rasa (taste) - Tikta (bitter)
   Veerya (potency) - Ushna (hot)
Actions :
Indication : Head ache, Indigestion, Hypertension, Urticaria, Gouty arthritis, Burning sensation, Insomnia, Jaundice, Dehydration, Liver related disorders, Dysurea, Blood impurity, Menstrual disturbances, Chronic fever, General body weakness.

Pharmacology : It is kapha and pitta suppressant. It is relaxant and induces sleep. It acts as pain reliever and anti inflammatory agent. It works as appetizer, liver stimulant and increases digestive powers. It acts as blood purifier and provides strength to heart. It is a diuretic. Its roots reduce menstrual disturbances. It has good effect in lowering down the burning sensations in the body. It also helps in lowering the blood pressure. It decreases the raised body temperature in fevers.

Part Used : Roots, leaves and seeds.
Formulations :
References :